Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Yeshiva World Beilin's Solution to the Share the Burden Conflict ...

Dr. Yossi Beilin, a former left-wing MK and cabinet member explains his solution surrounding the ?share the burden? conflict, which seems to be at the crux of coalition negotiations. Beilin feels that the solution can be built into the law, referring to the 1986 Security Service Law, Paragraph 39 gimmel, which makes provisions for ?a woman who can prove that s/he cannot serve because of one?s conscious or from a religious family is released from service.?

In his column appearing in the daily Yisrael Hayom Beilin feels ?it would be a mistake to determine the number of bnei yeshivos receiving a draft deferment today or in five years,? directing authorities to the law which he feels can simply be amended to include males as well as females.

Beilin feels the solution is ideal for chareidim will no longer be locked in yeshivos. One wishing to study Torah may and those wishing to study in a university or get a job and begin paying taxes may explore that option. He feels it is entirely possible that one who takes a deferment at age 18 may decide to serve later on after realizes that Israeli society expects us to do our part.

Beilin Is confident that by accepting this policy fewer chareidim will learn, and this will save money in state funding. Alternatively, more chareidim will be joining the work force and paying taxes. Beilin feels his plan will eliminate the need to establish a costly national service authority to oversee the chareidim, and this will pre vent firing many people from jobs which would be taken over by the national service members.

He points out that since this process occurs a year ahead of one entering the military, if military authorities feel the law is being abused, the Knesset Foreign Affairs & Defense Committee can address that particular year?s draft and rule accordingly.

(YWN ? Israel Desk, Jerusalem)


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