Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Dying happy | MattKinshella.com


Recently, I began to see death and dying around me more than ever before. People are losing parents and?family?members are getting sick more frequently. Yet, death doesn?t seem quite real. Death just floats in and out of my thoughts in a matter of fact and impersonal way.

When I think about it, I wonder how people will remember me and I think about how I want to spend my twilight years.

The other day I was listening to a YouTube recording of Alan Watts, the philosopher. He was talking about death and thus my ears perked up. He was talking about embracing the certainty of death and how our culture has this obsession with avoiding death and ignoring death and pretending it doesn?t exist. It?s worth a listen if you have a spare 20 or more minutes.

The quote I captured in the drawing was the most memorable line for me. The grim reaper is sulking away after finding no ego to destroy. It?s a sketch that captures how I hope to die. I don?t see this as some sort of Screw You to death; more a Screw You to the sadness and darkness that shrouds our popular notion of death.

I rather enjoy what Watts and so many other sages have said in their own way. They?ve said: let?s die happy.

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Source: http://www.mattkinshella.com/2013/01/dying-happy/

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