Tuesday, November 27, 2012

AAMC highlights impact of medical schools and teaching hospitals ...

Medical Schools Lia Steakley on November 26th, 2012

The Association of American Medical Colleges?recently released an?infographic?(.pdf) detailing the vital role that the nation?s medical schools and teaching hospitals play in the health-care system. The visual tool offers a nice overview of how medical schools and teaching hospitals work together to achieve the three missions of education, patient care and medical research. Among the statistics featured on the infographic are:

  • The nation?s nearly 400 major teaching hospitals train 80,000 resident physicians annually in primary care and other specialties
  • One in 8 physicians in the nation teach, conduct research or cares for patients as a full-time faculty member at a U.S. medical school
  • Scientists at medical schools and teaching hospitals conduct about half of all external research funded by the National Institutes of Health
  • Teaching hospitals operate ?100 percent of ?the nation?s 41 comprehensive cancer centers and?63 percent?of pediatric?intensive?care unit beds

Previously: Why basic research is the venture capital of the biomedical world, Future of medical research is at risk, says Stanford medical school dean and The economic benefits of publicly funded medical research

Source: http://scopeblog.stanford.edu/2012/11/26/aamc-highlights-impact-of-medical-schools-and-teaching-hospitals/

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