Sunday, August 5, 2012

5 Critical Steps in Web Copywriting | Professional Web Design Blog ...

Most businessmen hold the misconception that copywriting is not part of the business and is taken care of by an advertising agency or creative house. Honestly speaking, the crux of web copyrighting needs to be decided by the business owners and that is why great care and close attention must be given to web copywriting if you wish to attain your business goals. ? When we speaking of writing, the main purpose is to inform or keep readers amused. If we talk about a novel or a textbook, the core objective of writers is to entertain their readers and there is no such intention of motivating them into action. However, the philosophy of making a web copy for a website or blog is totally divergent. The main purpose of web copywriting is to stimulate a desired action from the visitors. This action may include purchasing a product or service, to register on a website, or anything else. Instead of employing expert copywriters who liaison with the ad agency for you, it is a good idea to learn the tricks yourself. ? Since a business owner is the person who knows best about his/her business aims and objectives, he/she can create the most effective web copy for their site. Below are five critical steps that are valuable in becoming an effective web copywriter. ?

1. Exploratory Stage:

Research is typically the most time consuming aspect of web copywriting. You require exporing and analyzing as to why individuals would render your services, what modes would they use for transactions, their intentions with the product/service and what are their core concerns. If you do not have all these factors researches and investigated, you will be unable to create an effective web copy. The easy part is that since you are working on your own web copy, you know your business inside out and it will take less time for you to research. This is because you already know your offerings and who your potential rivals are in the marketplace. ?

2. Mind Mapping Stage:

The next stage is to create a blueprint of the web copy. This comprises of mind mapping the bits and pieces that will add up to become the real content of your website. Before directly writing the copy, start out by jotting down the indicators that will aid you in creation of the content. Composing a mind map will requires a few moments and provides an outline for the original web copy. It permits you to finish the work quicker and guarantees that you adhere to your guidelines.


3. Drafting Stage:

After you have created an outline, begin stuffing in the real words in the design above. Also determine the style of your composing. The objective of the web copy is to relate with the audience and motivate them towards a favorable activity. Using complex and technical terms will not pose you as intelligent rather it will make people run off. People only like to read what they can easily understand and comprehend at one go. That is why you need to talk to them like an actual individual and not a robot. ?

4. Conversion Stage:

The moment you have your final draft prepared and all the web content is in order, you need to provide it with a conversion booster. By this I mean you need to add in the elements that will convert the readers into potential customers. Of course the main purpose of a web copy is to translate the visitor into a subscriber. In order to go that, there are various methods through which you can accomplish just that. For instance, you can employ the power of persuasion by showing them the pros of your offerings. You can hit them emotionally so that they respond in an expressive manner. ?

5. Finalization Stage:

When the hard part of creating conversions is completed, you now move on to the final stage. This is the phase where you revise and rephrase the draft copy you created earlier. You simply have to give the final tweaking to make it appear professional and perfect. Start by identifying errors, missing data and faults in the overall content of the web copy. This will also give you a chance to add something that you missed out earlier and repair the typographic mistakes that could have made a bad impression on the viewers. ?


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